
The Dog in Me Logo

Do Dogs have a 6th Sense?

I know there have been countless times when I’ve looked at my dogs and thought ‘How did you know I was going to……………?’,

Put a Muzzle On

I have included a link to the muzzle project - an organisation where you can get advice on the type of muzzle, on how to fit a muzzle, and loads more

It’s Just a Dog

Such cruel words. It is so much more. It is a he. It is a she. It has a name. It has likes. It has dislikes. It has fun. It is joy. It has my heart.

The Kindest Cut?

For a long time, I have strongly believed that the best way to manage and reduce the number of stray and abandoned dogs is to routinely neuter dogs (by neuter I mean spay the female and castrate the male).

‘Get a dog’ they said So a dog many people got

The lockdowns during the Covid pandemic were difficult times. Probably most difficult of all was the feeling of forced estrangement from family and friends. We were not allowed to do what we as a species do naturally - be social. It is, in fact the absolute essence of us to engage and converse with other people.